Why do we do need to do a cleanse or detox? Isn't our body doing it anyway?
Yes! Our body is constantly cleansing and detoxing, even right now as you read this. However, did you know that our exposure to toxins both chemical, physical and radiation has skyrocketed exponentially in the past few decades?
Our body's detox system can go into overload, and this means that you are accumulating many of the toxins inside your body. These toxins often circulate around our body, before being stored in fat and other areas.
How does this manifest in you? You can begin with allergies, skin issues, gut problems, weight gain, fatigue, fogginess, and eventually into bigger issues like auto-immune conditions, cholesterol issues, and even diseases like cancer.

Our Cleanse and Detox Programs
Cellular and Microbial Cleanse
This program is aimed at assisting the body to eliminate parasites, bad bacteria and viruses that are in excess. Yes, living with these microorganisms is completely normal and we need them in order to sustain a health balance in our body, but too much of these will lead to various health issues.
Here are some indications you might consider this cleanse:
Frequent loose stools, diarrhoea, constipation
Fatigue or lethargy
Indigestion, reflux/heartburn
Abdominal pain
Foggy brain
Poor concentration
Poor immune system, getting sick easily
Phlegm production, asthma, poor breathing
Congested sinuses, blocked nose, runny nose, hayfever
Itchy skin, or skin conditions like eczema or acne
Auto-immune disease​
Healing Tree Signature Liver Cleanse
This program is aimed at helping the liver and gall bladder to clear out waste and toxin build-up in these organs. It is completed multiple times over an extended period, until the body is feeling revitalised, lighter and clean.
In addition to the signs listed above for the Cellular and Microbial Cleanse, here are some indications you might consider this cleanse:
High liver markers
Fatty liver diagnosis
High cholesterol
Difficulty digesting meat and healthy fats
Previous gall stones or sludge found in gall bladder
Pain in the liver/gall bladder region
Hypochondriac pain
History of, or currently consuming alcohol
History of, or currently consuming recreational drugs
History of poor diet and lifestyle
History of consuming a lot of protein powders and nuts
Exposure to lots of plastics and chemicals
Period pain
Hormonal imbalance
Difficulty conceiving
Eye issues such as pain, high pressure, tension itchiness, decreased vision
High blood pressure
How to Start!
Getting started is simple! Just schedule your initial examination today so we can create the best plan for you and your health goals!