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Youngmee and Dahbin at Healing Tree are highly experienced in supporting women and men through reproductive health problems.


Some couples seek our assistance due to complicated fertility issues, other couples for 'unexplained' fertility issues, and some who just want to make sure they are in the best health condition before they attempt to start a family. 


It is crucial to understand that it is just as important for men to be in a healthy body state as it is for women during the conception journey because it takes two to make a beautiful baby. Blood tests and scans can tell us a lot about your health, but in Eastern medicine, we are looking for physical (or psychological/emotional) symptoms which tell us much more about the condition of your health physically and mentally.


Problems with fertility can arise due to a wide variety of factors, including hereditary factors, environmental factors, diet and lifestyle, and emotional factors.

Common disease/illness patterns which â€‹may affect fertility include:


  • Endometriosis

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Multi-follicular ovaries (PCO)

  • Thyroid issues

  • ​Poor sperm count and health

  • Low ovarian reserve (low AMH)

  • Auto-immune conditions

  • Menstrual irregularity

  • Hypothalamic amenorrhoea

  • Recurrent miscarriage

  • Advanced maternal age

  • Insulin resistance and blood sugar issues

At Healing Tree Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, we understand the journey to conceiving can be emotionally and physically draining , stressful and full of uncertainty. We also know it can take a lot of time, and sometimes the results can be very disappointing and causes more stress. 


We are here to provide natural and effective treatments to ensure the process is as smooth as possible, and help restore balance and health in their mind, body and soul as you are prepping for conceiving.

Preconception Care and Natural Fertility

The journey of the health of a human being starts from before they are born. It begins with the health of their biological parents. This is the reason that preconception care is essential for all couples.


Ova (eggs) are susceptible to damage for roughly 100 days before ovulation, while sperm formation can take up to 116 days. It is recommended that both partners undertake a preconception program for a minimum period of four months immediately preceding any attempt to conceive.


Preconception health care can improve fertility in both men and women, and help to increase the likelihood of: a normal, healthy full-term pregnancy (chances of miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth is minimised); a natural un-medicated birth; successful breastfeeding; and, a happy, healthy baby as well as minimising the incidence of birth defects and postnatal depression.


Your preconception care may include:​


  • Regular acupuncture treatments

  • Safe, gentle and effective herbal medicine 

  • Eastern dietary advice based on your body type

  • Eastern lifestyle advice to reduce stress, promote good energy flow

  • Things to avoid such as extreme exercise, coffee, alcohol, hormone-fed meat, toxic chemical use

  • Treating underlying conditions which may potentially block a healthy conception journey

IVF Support

Youngmee and Dahbin also provide support for those couples who require assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF, IUI, ICSI and PICSI. 


The primary focus of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for couples already committing to ART cycles include: 


  • Promoting good egg quality and quantity

  • Ensuring good blood flow which is essential to embryo survival

  • Supporting implantation by reducing inflammation and auto-immunity

  • Reducing discomfort and side-effects of ART medications and interventions

  • Regulating the nervous system to provide a calm, stress-free experience during ART

Miscarriage Support

A miscarriage in Eastern medicine may be a way the body is telling us that it is not ready to nurture and grow a baby. It is a devastating and debilitating experience for both mother and father who are ready for a family, and can affect the physical body and the mental health, and must be addressed immediately.


At Healing Tree, we aim to prevent miscarriage and restore the health of couples as much as possible before recommending to attempt in conceiving. We look at the couples' symptoms, tongue and pulse, even though they may appear unrelated to the miscarriage, because our body is not separated into parts and organs do not work individually. Our body let's us know when it is the optimal time to conceive so we are continually on the lookout for these positive signs. 

Seek personalised fertility recommendations with Healing Tree Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic.
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Contact Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


Consulting Hours

Tuesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm

Thursday 2:00pm - 6:30pm


Contact Information:

     Tel: (02) 4311 5022




Suite 3, Level 2, 4-6 Watt St. Gosford NSW 2250



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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land we live, work and heal on, the Darkinjung People. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present, emerging, and recognise that sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be, Aboriginal land.

© 2025 Healing Tree Acupuncture and Natural Medicine

Acupuncture Central Coast, Chinese herbal medicine Central Coast, Acupuncture Gosford, Acupuncture Erina, Acupuncture East Gosford, Acupuncture Wyoming, Acupuncture Woy Woy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fertility Acupuncture

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