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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Mix Fruit With Other Foods

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Mix Fruit with Other Foods! 🍏🍇

1. Eating fruit on an empty stomach aids detoxification and enhances liver function. Fresh fruits are recommended. 🍎

2. Eating fruits after other foods can produce toxins. Mixing quickly-digestible fruits with other foods or consuming them after meals can lead to fermentation of other foods, causing them to spoil and accumulate toxins, resulting in bloating and gas. 🤢

3. Consuming fruits on an empty stomach before meals can help prevent overeating due to their content of fructose and fiber. 🥭

4. The glycemic index of fruits is lower compared to bread, pasta, and noodles. The glycemic index measures how quickly blood sugar levels rise after consuming a food, with glucose set at 100. Bread, white rice, pasta, and noodles have a glycemic index of over 70, whereas fruits, brown rice, whole grains, and vegetables have a glycemic index of 50 or less. 🍓

Therefore, it's a healthy habit to consume quickly-digestible fruits first and eat meals at least 30 minutes afterwards. 🕒

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